Positive And Nagative Effects of Digital Media On Society
The world has picked up the pace, everyone is just too busy. One cannot simply afford to lose a day’s track to keep himself updated with information. The world as we know is something that changes daily, there is always something new happening. And the electronic devices which are connected to the internet constantly supply the information we need and it is not just restricted to the internet. All the applications and multimedia stored in the device’s storage and drives keep us engaged all the time. It has both a negative and positive effect on our society. Positive Effects of Digital Media Ability to Learn New Skills The internet has been a blessing since its beginning for learners, now if you have a smartphone or any other digital device connected to the internet. Then you can learn anything from cooking to coding, you just need curiosity and consistency in your efforts. Most importantly it is self-paced and you can choose from the tons of learning resource available. Dig...